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Power Electronics & Co. – Expansion of the Portfolio


Since the Ingenieurbüro Hoffmann GmbH was founded in May 1990, the company changed significantly. The successful growth of the number of employees and the sales volume is mainly based on a rapid technological progress, a good engineering practice and a favorable economic climate of the IT industry. The number of the service contracts – more than 3.500 copy and print systems as well as more than 800 cash registers are serviced nowadays – and the high satisfaction of our customers speaks for itself…

For the beginning, it was clear: To compete with the market and our competitors product sales and their service is not enough. Thus, the development of products and engineering innovations should be one central aspect of the company. Based on a continuous market analysis, the tight collaboration with tobacconists and newsagents plus the unfailing programming performance of our software engineers a custom made, outstanding and innovative product was designed: the cash register system HK-105. Following these ideas, the subject power electronics, electrical drives and renewable energy systems expands the portfolio of the Ingenieurbüro Hoffmann GmbH under the administration of Dipl.-Ing. Nils Hoffmann since January 2014.

„It is really exciting to create a whole new department as a product development manager“, says Nils Hoffmann, who gained comprehensive academic and economic knowledge at the university and industry. The longstanding research activities in the field of the control of power electronic applications was accomplished in close collaboration with well-known companies like kk-electronic A/S, Danfoss Drives A/S, Danfoss Solar Inverters A/S and Converteam GmbH. As graduate research assistant at Christian-Albrechts-Universität of Kiel he published a numerous amount of scientific articles and receipted different awards for his work, e.g. the IEEE ECCE 2012 Student Presentation Award. With his PhD-thesis “Grid-adaptive control and active-filter functionality of grid-connected converters in renewable energy applications” (working title) he plans to finish his PhD studies this year.

“I’m looking forward to the new and exciting challenges! I gained a lot of specialized engineering knowledge during my studies – this shall now be applied to in practice. The major incentive is the transfer of engineering knowledge between research-based developments to industrial applications. Good contacts to universities, non-profit research facilities, international organizations and industrial partners are very helpful for this.”, says the development manager Nils Hoffmann about his new role at Ingenieurbüro Hoffmann GmbH.

Author: Nadja Hoffmann, 21. März 2014